For those of you who don't know Tiffany Sutton is hot crazy chick that I have fallen in love with! She is soon going to be the coolest party girl around!
On Feb 14 2007, Tiffany fucked a guy, tied him up, cut him and drank his blood. The dude freed himself and ran out into the street. She then chased him with a pick axe!
HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT PEOPLE???!!! I mean COME ON! So I have started a quest to fly this hot crazy chick all over the place and party with her!
Donate to the Tiffany Sutton Party Quest at: www.tiffanysutton.com
The official homepage!
I would tap that.
Tiffany sorta resembles the lovely Helena Bonham Carter.
godahl said:
Tiffany sorta resembles the lovely Helena Bonham Carter.
Yes, the resemblence is striking, particularly with the heavy mascara.
But I don't think Helena would purposely style her hair by rolling around on the ground perhaps passed out through the night.
Booking photos are so unflattering.
Tiffany LaChelle Sutton is not some cool crazy hot chick. She is what happens when a child is led to believe that she can do no wrong and is never told no. I know cuz I was her step-mom. my heart goes out to her mom and dad and i thank god that grandpa passed and was spared this embarrassment. My message to you Tiffyshelle grow the fuck up. stop waiting around for someone to take care of you and bellyaching that you had it so bad. You need some help girl and I would rather you got it through treatment rather than the yard at perryville where the ladies on the yard wouldn't pump sunshine up your ass, they'd help you grow up the hard way. To this day I love you like my own and if you need a place to start over and some guideance come back to Iowa and I'll always be there for you but you need to get off the fucking shit and realize that life doesn't owe you anything. you make your own destiny. Your dad, Mike or Cassie can all hook you up with a way to contact me. I love you and want you to have a life worth living. Please don't wait until you've reached my age before you realize whats really important in life. OXOXOX Cris
she needs help that cant be found in this existance....
My prayers go out to Tiffany and her family.
I like how you had to photoshop her image to make her not look like a strung out meth whore.
Also, your "awesome" photoshop skills are painfully evident on the picture of her name carved into the fat and bloated appendage that can only be called an arm due to its location on your body!
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