Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tiffany Sutton Update

Ok people listen up. My Blood Queen's police report was released. She said:

“You Robert McDaniel swear no wrong will come to me Tiffany Lachelle Sutton due to tonight’s events,”

“You also pass to me all your earthly powers wealth included.”

I am going to try and contact her via my chanelling powers. I send her emotions of my love and lust for her to drink my blood every night.

I will keep you posted....

Angelic Scars


Unknown said...

faaareakish.. definetely a peek into how far out an untamed human mind can go.. Hopefully you run into an equally freakish real life Buffy the Vampire Slayer and find balance.

Unknown said...

Prison has not been good to Tiffany: